DartsPal Affiliate Scheme

How does the affiliate scheme work?

When linking to a DartsPal page through your unique link (e.g. dartpal.com?ref=MVG) a cookie will be stored on the referred device. Should that user then signup within 30 days they are then referred under your Account. If the user ever upgrades to a full DartsPal membership you will receive a commission.

Commission Tiers

Your commission rate increases as you refer more members to DartsPal

  • 1-20 members: £8
  • 21-50 members: £9
  • 51-100 members: £10
  • 100+ members: £11

Promotional Methods

There are many different ways to promote DartsPal. Here are a few methods:

  • Share articles from the DartsPal blog on social media
  • Display an advertisement on your darts website (shops, blogs, forums etc). Banners are provided in your affiliate dashboard.
  • Share the DartsPal free challenges
  • Refer all of your darts player friends
  • Make a video of you taking on one of the DartsPal challenges and include your signup link in the description

DartsPal 2022